
Limmud Keshet is the largest Jewish event in the Baltic States. This is a celebration eagerly awaited every year; a celebration that brings together Jews of all ages from every corner of the world. From Friday through Sunday, Le Meridien Vilon hotel in Vilnius becomes an oasis for Jews and fills with conversation in Yiddish, Hebrew, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Russian and English. This is an event packed with educational and cultural features, including seminars, discussions and lectures that aim to broaden the participants’ horizons. One can only thank the Jewish community of Lithuania for the organisation of such a grand event.

Inbal Baltic festival of Jewish performing and decorative art

The target group of the seminar includes amateurs and connoisseurs of Jewish art and also professionals: teachers and tutors from Jewish schools, kindergartens and hobby clubs.

The seminar programme traditionally features 4 major study areas: modern Jewish dance, a Jewish and Israeli song course, a decorative art course and a drama course.

Modern Israeli dance is taught by leading teachers and choreographers of contemporary Israeli dance! All the participants can choose class difficulty levels and join a beginners’ group or an advanced group. The syllabus contains both the revision of the most famous old dances and learning the latest ones.

The Jewish and Israeli song course has been developed especially for the teachers of Jewish schools and kindergartens as well as amateur Jewish performers and those who just love Jewish music. During the course, the participants revise old songs usually sung during major Jewish and Israeli holidays and learn new ones as well as get an overview of popular children’s songs and modern Israeli songs.

During the decorative art course, the participants can learn a variety of techniques, including decoupage, carving and jewellery-making. Anybody who wants to can learn how to make various Jewish traditional objects, using simple and readily available materials.

New since 2014: the drama course! During the course, its participants get a brief summary of the history of Jewish playwriting and stage a short original play.

The Inbal seminar is financially supported by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.